Analisis Miskonsepsi Peserta Didik pada Materi Hidrolisis Garam Menggunakan Instrumen Three-Tier Diagnostic Test di SMAN 2 Solok
ABSTRACTMisconception is the discrepancy of a concept with a scientific understanding that is agreed upon by experts. The aim of this study was to identify the misconceptions experienced by students in the salt hydrolysis material. The research data was obtained through a three-tier diagnostic test consisting of 21 questions. This research involved a sample of 50 students of class XI IPA 4 and XI IPA 5 of SMAN 2 Solok. The method used in this research is descriptive. The results of the research show that in general, students experience misconceptions where the average of these misconceptions is 35%. Students experience misconceptions about the concept of understanding salt hydrolysis by 58%, the nature of the hydrolyzed salt by 29%, the types of salt hydrolysis by 34%, determining the pH of salt hydrolysis by 28%, and calculating the pH of salt hydrolysis by 25%.Keywords: Salt Hydrolysis, Misconception, Three-TierABSTRAKMiskonsepsi merupakan ketidaksesuaian suatu konsep dengan pengertian ilmiah yang disetujui oleh para ahli. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi yang dialami peserta didik pada materi hidrolisis garam. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui tes diagnostik three tier yang terdiri atas 21 butir soal. Peneliitan ini melibatkan sampel sebanyak 50 orang peserta didik kelas XI IPA 4 dan XI IPA 5 SMAN 2 Solok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa secara umum peserta didik mengalami miskonsepsi dimana rata–rata miskonsepsi tersebut sebesar 35%. Persentase miskonsepsi peserta didik berdasarkan konsep adalah; konsep pengertian hidrolisis garam sebesar 58%, sifat garam yang terhidrolisis sebesar 29%, jenis–jenis hidrolisis garam sebesar 34%, menentukan pH hidrolisis garam sebesar 28%, dan menghitung pH hidrolisis garam sebesar 25%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum dalam materi hidrolisis garam peserta didik mengalami miskonsepsi.Kata Kunci: Hidrolisis garam, Miskonsepsi, Three-TierReferences
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- Analysis of Students’ Misconcepstions on the Salt Hydroliysis Using the Three – Tier Diagnostic Test Instrument at SMAN 2 Solok
- Analysis of Students’ Misconcepstions on the Salt Hydroliysis Using the Three – Tier Diagnostic Test Instrument at SMAN 2 Solok
- Analysis of Students’ Misconcepstions on the Salt Hydroliysis Using the Three – Tier Diagnostic Test Instrument at SMAN 2 Solok
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